Cath’s Christmas Playlist of Champions (Part 1)

Have I ever told you that I love Christmas? I LOVE CHRISTMAS. It is all of the most magical things crammed into one glowy season that helps you forget about all the crud in the world. And there is a lot of crud in the world. Sure, there is the sad commercialist aspect of the holiday season, but that side only wins if we let it. What about all the people who at least pretend to care about each other a little more at this time of year? And sing songs! And give things! And put up lights! And spend time with loved ones! And watch lame movies!

Don’t you know happiness when you see it?

But let’s stick to singing songs for now: Since the haters are finally throwing in the towel and letting us openly listen to Christmas music, there are a few tracks that need to be busted out ASAP in order to reach quota. Here’s a mix of some of my favorites, new and old, traditional and weird, that you would do well to have on your playlist (in no particular order):

1) “Merry Christmas (I Don’t Want to Fight Tonight)” – The Ramones

2) A Charlie Brown Christmas, full soundtrack – The Vince Guaraldi Trio

3) “Merry Xmas Everybody” – Slade

I heard this song on Doctor Who and never looked back. P.S.: Video is hilarious.

4) “Christmas” – The Who

Not a traditional Christmas song, but it is about Christmas. Nice departure from the fa-la-las/hohohos (and from one of my favorite albums).

5) “Got to Get You Into My Life/Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” – The Fab 4 (not to be confused with the actual Beatles)

Every Beatle/Christmas mashup by Beatles tribute band The Fab 4 has something to offer: Their selection of Beatles songs is eclectic and wide-ranging, and every piece is seamlessly arranged with the lyrics and sounds of Christmas favorites.

While I’d love to link to several of these mashups individually, in the interest of space, I’ll invite you to listen to further Fab 4 mashups on this Youtube playlist. Highlights: “Norwegian Wood/Silent Night” and “Please Please Me/Joy to the World.”

6) “It Feels Like Christmas” – The Muppets (The Muppet Christmas Carol)

I feel sinful cutting just a sliver out of this film for you to appreciate, because any sliver of this movie is best enjoyed when surrounded by all the other slivers. It is one meaty, delicious pie of a holiday movie and I hope you’re hungry because lonch is provoyded.

I still tear up at that triumphant trumpet interlude. All of these Muppets are SO HAPPY! If you want the bonus video with this, see here. Includes: Muppet face getting squished by Muppet trumpet.

[Note: This film is available to view online, or to buy, or you can borrow my VHS copy that was taped off the television in 1992 and has a bunch of Disney infomercial things scrolling across the bottom.]

Honorable Muppet Mention: “Christmas Scat”

7) “Christmas Wrapping” – The Waitresses

8) “Silver and Gold” – Burl Ives

9) “Santa’s Beard” – They Might Be Giants

I want to keep things interesting around here.

10) “Wonderful Christmastime” – Paul McCartney

I know this is consistently voted one of the worst songs of all time by most of the universe, but the boingy chords still get me. This song is fun if you have a heart/spirit/soul. You are entitled to hate it, but kindly don’t tread on my cheer.

11) “Happy Christmas/War Is Over” – John Lennon

12) “All I Want for Christmas Is You” – Mariah Carey

What was the world like before this song? Shh. I don’t want to know.

Agree? Disagree? There are more champion holiday songs to come, so stay tuned for Cath’s Christmas Playlist of Champions (Part Two)!

4 responses to “Cath’s Christmas Playlist of Champions (Part 1)”

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